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Fascinating Medical Books to Inspire Your Children!

The perfect gift for 8-14 year olds

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Inspiration Club

Join our Inspiration Club and receive a book per month for a year - 12 books in total, including 6 exclusive books you can't buy alone!

PLUS 6 copies of our magazine, Medical Mavericks World, exclusive live streams, posters, stickers & badges!

Join for £1 then 11 x £19.99 per month

The ultimate gift for the whole year!

Join today for £1 and your next subscription is taken in Feb!

What are the books all about?

Discover, Develop, Desire

Having visited schools across the UK and run events for parents and children over the past 15 years, Medical Mavericks know there are 1000s of children that L.O.V.E science and anything medical!

We also know there are 1000s of parents like you that need help and support to continually inspire and develop their child's passion. Not only that, you also want to stretch their child’s learning and understanding of these topics - which is no mean feat considering the depth of the topics!

Medicine, physiology and human biology are a fascinating set of subjects to study and understand. There is so much to explore, and many parents don’t know where to start.

That is where these books come in. Whether it’s starting off with our Body Experiments book for a bit of science fun, exploring every organ in the body with our Brilliant Body Parts Trilogy or signing up to our Inspiration Club for the ultimate medical experience, every book will help your child:

  • Discover more about medicine

  • Develop their understanding and build their

  • Desire to continue to study this fascinating subject!

All the 'Big Book of...' books have been written by Tom Warrender, one of the UK's leading science communicators and authors for kids. Having visited schools across the UK for 15 years, Tom knows how to engage and inspire children that L.O.V.E science... and those that aren't quite sure.

Tom is a TEDx speaker and has perfomed his stage show - The Human Guinea Pig at numerous Big Bang Fairs, Education in Action as well as New Scientist Live!